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Иностранный язык (2-3) ММУ
Меня зовут Сергей, 8 лет я решаю тесты и пишу работы по данному предмету для Вашего ВУЗа.
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- Полная анонимность, Ваши данные не передаю посторонним лицам.
- При первом обращении, один тест сдаю БЕСПЛАТНО.
Курсовая работа
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Мы знакомы с требованиями для курсовых работ по данному предмету.
Выполняем работу полностью (текст, титульны, антиплагиат), при необходимости сами загружаем и контролируем выставление оценки.
Заказав работу у нас, Вам не нужно ни чего делать и дорабатывать.
Контрольная работа
С 01.09.2019 г. практические работы стали обязательными в ММУ, не выполнив практическую, не получите положительную оценку, даже если сдадите тесты на 5 баллов.
Закажите работу прямо сейчас и получите полностью оформленную работу, мы можем самостоятельно загрузить работу в личный кабинет и проконтролировать выставление оценки.
Для уточнения стоимости и заказа работы, напишите нам, по любому каналу связи, размещённому на данной странице, во вкладке КОНТАКТЫ или через ОНЛАЙН ЧАТ.
Ответы на тесты ММУ
Решаем тесты, для этого вуза, более 5 лет. Знаем все требования и процедуру сдачи. Закажите решение теста по данному предмету и получите хорошую оценку, работаем самостоятельно, не нанимаем сторонних лиц, поэтому конфиденциальность гарантируем.
Напишите нам, по любому каналу связи, размещённому на данной странице, во вкладке КОНТАКТЫ или через ОНЛАЙН ЧАТ. И В КАЧЕСТВЕ ТЕСТА НАШИХ УСЛУГ, ПЕРВЫЙ ТЕСТ СДАДИМ БЕСПЛАТНО (тест сдается бесплатно, если ранее ни чего у нас не заказывали, проверка по логину).
Результаты наших решений, можете посмотреть во вкладке "РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ".
Тестирование проходит на официальном сайте ММУ в личном кабинете ЭИОС https://elearn.interun.ru.
Оценка выставляется, по лучшему результату.
Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола в Imparfait.Выберите правильную форму глагола: Imparfait или Passé Composé. ouvraitЗаполните пропуски правильным местоимением.,Tex cherche le numéro de téléphone de Natalie. Enfin il le trouve et il l'appelle.
La langue française est venue en Amérique du Nord au XVIIe siècle.
Les premières universités avaient un statut privilégié dans les villes.
Les étudiants choisissaient les universités les plus prestigieuses et les professeurs les plus connus.
Pendant des siècles, on parlait français un peu partout en Europe.
Les Français pensent beaucoup en termes de hiérarchie.
Alors les Français rentrent chez eux, parlent à leur chef et il leur dit ce qu’ils doivent penser.
Pour eux (les Francais), le conflit est naturel lors d’une discussion, il n’y a pas à en avoir peur.
Aujourd’hui, il arrive que les jeunes européens apprennent deux ou trois langues étrangères.
J’habite non loin de ce jardin et j’y vais souvent.
Je peux les aider.
Ne leur écrivez pas.
Il va lui téléphoner.
Montrez-leur que vous n’aves pas peur d’eux.
J’en ai besoin.
Дополните предложение именем прилагательным или наречием. La premiere universite russe (creer) au XVII-e siecle a Moscou.
La premiere universite francaise (fonder) cinq siecles plus tot.
En Europe, d’abord les cours (donner) en latin.
Aujourd’hui, en France beaucoup de filieres economiques (proposer) en anglais.
Mais parfois les cours (suivre) seulement en francais.
Alors, la connaissance de francais (exiger).
On commence les etudes si les tests de francais (reussir).
L’annee prochaine une nouvelle filiere (creer) dans cette universite.
L’Union europeenne (fonder) pour construire le monde sans frontieres ou il ne existe plus de frontieres economiques et politiques.
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
Le francais (parler) dans le monde diplomatique avant le debut du XXe siecle.
Les etudiants francais (ne/pas passer) d’examens d’entree a l’universite.
Le concours d’entree (passer) pour entrer dans les Grandes Ecoles.
Les etudiants francais (choisir) les disciplines qu’ils vont suivre pendant le semestre.
Les cours (choisir) par les etudiants parce que tous les cours ne sont pas obligatoires.
Quand en deuxieme cycle universitaire la licence (reussir), on peut soit terminer les etudes, soit preparer le diplome de master.
Сe diplome europeen (delivrer) aux etudiants qui connaissent une langue etrangere.
La formation au niveau de master (exiger) des stages professionnels que les etudiants doivent reussir pendant leurs etudes.
Le diplome de master (reconnaitre) dans tous les pays europeens.
Dans les pays de l’Union europeenne, on (parler) onze langues de nombreuses langues officielles et regionales.
L’image de la carte de France (utiliser) parfois comme figure emblematique.
Le programme de recherche a ete lance par les scientifiques dans les annees 90.
L’entreprise est divisee en services.
Le francais est la deuxieme langue etrangere qui est apprise dans le monde, apres l’anglais.
Autrefois, le baccalaureat etait delivre a l’universite.
A 1971 le francais est devenu une langue officielle au Quebec (Canada).
Dans la langue de tous les jours les Quebecois emploient beaucoup de mots et de phrases anglais.
En 2000, en Suisse, on a ete organise un referendum populaire sur la proposition d’entrer dans l’Union europeenne.
En 1998, moins de 10% de jeunes Suisses des 27 ans possedaient d'un diplome universitaire.
Dans les domains de physique, chimie et medecine, le prix Nobel a recompense six fois des scientifiques suisses depuis 1975.
Заполните пропуски глаголов в правильной форме Subjonctif. Заполните пропуски в предложениях. J'aime Tex bien qu'il ait ses défauts.
A condition que nous arrivions tôt, nous aurons des places.
Avant que je vienne à Austin, je n'ai pas parlé anglais.
Ces jours-ci, il est difficile de trouver un emploi permanent.
Je ne suis pas sûr que tu puisses le faire.
Téléphone à tes parents afin qu'ils sachent où nous sommes.
Il manque d’argent pour aller à la France.
Il semble que nous soyons en retard.
Ma mère veut que je fasse mes devoirs.
Il est impossible de vouloir moins de vacances.
J’insiste pour que vous le fassiez tout de suite.
Nour regrettons que vous ne puissiez voir vos amis.
La Belgique est un des pays les plus petits et les plus peuplés de l’Europe. La Belgique, possède une structure d’Etat fédérale avec trois régions pratiquement autonomes: la Wallonie* francophone, la Flandre* avec les provinces flamandes* et la région bruxelloise, où est située la capitale, la ville de Bruxelles. Bien que la Belgique soit une monarchie, il existe le parlement et le gouvernement qui comprend le Roi et les ministres. Le Roi ne possède pas de pouvoirs personnels, mais tous les Belges célèbrent la fête du Roi le 15 novembre aussi que la fête nationale le 21 juillet. Bruxelles est non seulement la capitale du pays mais encore la capitale de l’Europe. La ville accueille sur son territoire les sessions du Parlement européen, le Conseil de l’Europe. C’est aussi un centre international où on organise le nombre de colloques d’affaires, des foires, des congrès. Plusieurs sociétés internationales, des banques étrangères se sont installées sur le territoire bruxellois. Le caractère international de Bruxelles vient de ce que la Belgique est située au centre de l’Europe et possède un réseau de communications très dense. A l’époque, le moteur économique de la Wallonie était l’industrie lourde. Les secteurs traditionnels, grâce à de profondes restructurations, à l’utilisation de l’informatique et de la robotique, sont restés les plus importants de l’industrie régionale. Ainsi, les centres industriels, les villes de Liège et de Charleroi, sont des bases de sidérurgie, constructions métalliques, mécaniques et électriques, chimie. Mais aujourd’hui, la Wallonie développe les secteurs de communications, de nouvelles technologies, biomédical, pharmaceutique. La Wallonie – Валлония La Flandre, flamande* – Фландрия, фламандский
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
Il est possible que David le fasse.
Je regardais la télé lorsque le téléphone a sonné.
Il est toujours gentil jusqu'à ce que tu arrives.
Il ne faut pas que vous descendiez quand le train est en marche.
Il m'aide à condition qu'il soit payé.
Quand nous etions petits, elle faisait beaucoup de sport.
Il est important que tu sois là.
Élise lit à haute voix afin que le bébé s'endorme.
Il est nécessaire que les étudiants apprennent le subjonctif.
Nous dormions quand vous êtes arrivés cette nuit.
Comme nous etions fatigués, nous sommes rentrés à la maison.
Il semble que Jean me voie.
Les Canadiens franҫais élaborent les équivalents français des termes anglais qui doivent être employés dans la langue officielle.
En 2000, en Suisse, un referendum populaire sur la proposition d’entrer dans l’Union européenne a été organize.
Des scientifiques suisses ont été recompenses le prix Nobel dans les domains de physique, chimie et médecine six fois depuis 1975.
Выберете нужное время пассивной формы, настоящее, прошедшее (passé composé, imparfait) или будущее.
Depuis le XIII-e siecle, beaucoup d’universites (créer) en Europe.
Les grades qui (delivrer) par les premieres universites europeennes (reconnaitre) partout en Europe.
Autrefois, le baccalaureat (delivrer) a l’universite.
Et a present en France, ce diplome (preparer) au lycee.
En France, les diplomes les plus prestigieux (preparer) dans les Grandes Ecoles.
Beaucoup de discussions (organiser) pour reformer le systeme elitiste des Grandes Ecoles.
Mais dans les prochaines annees les Grandes Ecoles ne (reformer) pas.
D’habitude l’entreprise (diviser) en services.
A l’epoque, la France (diviser) en 34 provinces historiques.
Demain ce travail (finir).
Информационный текст
Употребитенужнуюформуглагола, активнуюилипассивную, внастоящемвремени.
Le college francais a Moscou (donner) une formation superieure aux etudiants russes.
Les cours (donner) en francais par les professeurs francais.
Les etudiants qui ne connaissent pas bien le francais (suivre) les memes cours en russe.
Mais on (devoir) preparer les memoires en francais.
Et le diplome de fin d’etudes (preparer) aussi en francais.
On (passer) les examens terminaux en russe ou en francais.
Si le diplome et les examens en francais (reussir), on peut poursuivre les etudes universitaires en France.
Puisque ce diplome (reconnaitre) en France.
Les etudiants qui (passer) les examens en russe, (obtenir) le diplome du college, mais ils ne peuvent pas poursuivre leurs etudes en France.
Les etudiants ne (payer) pas leurs etudes. Elles sont gratuites.
Дополните предложения, вставив необходимую форму глагола can.1. Jenny ______use a computer.
2. George ______make friends easily.
3. ________see the clock on the tower?
4. Her son ______speak English. (
5. You____ trust me.
6. ______help me with my shopping?
7. You ______use the Internet to make new friends.
8. His sister ______help you with English.
9. I _______finish the work today.
10. _________translate this text into German?
1. Jessika______drive a car when she was ten.
2. Last year Sindy______ speak English fluently.
3. Mike______ do this work in such a short time.
4. You _____take my dictionary.
5. ______play football?
6. You _____find this figures in my notebook.
7. They _____invent a new computer game.
8. _____swim when you were three?
9. He_____pay this check.
10. ______hear what she was saying?
11. This device_____ be packed in that case.
Дополните предложения, вставив необходимую форму глагола must.1. Iamtired. I ______go and sit in the armchair.
2. Jack ______go there.
3. I feel you _____come with him.
4. ______work hard?
5. You ______speak to her.
6. ______go there at once?
7. You_____ know this famous writer.
8. They______come back to Moscow.
9. I ______ go there immediately.
10. He ______be at home now.
11. All passing ______ers wear seat belts.
1. Tom ______take his father’s car.
2. ‘You _____take my things. I don’t’ like it.’ told Sue to her younger brother
3. ______I _____in?
4. You ______ask any questions you’d like. You are welcome
5. ____I _____my friends to the party?
6. ‘We _____go out alone’ Sue told to her little brother.
7. ____I_____your phone?
8. You ____speak when you are doing the test.
9. The lesson is over and you ____home.
Поставьте предложения в прошедшем времени, сделав необходимые изменения.1. They must meet for a lunch.
They ________meet for a lunch.
2. Sam can play football well.
Sam______ play football well.
3. We must take credit cards in this shop.
We _______take credit cards in this shop.
4. You can store your data in the computer.
You_____ store your data in the computer.
5. You must rewrite that passage.
You ______rewrite that passage.
6. He can neither eat nor sleep.
He______ neither eat nor sleep.
7. Edvin must show her how to work the computer.
Edvin_______show her how to work the computer.
8. I must find my glasses. I can't see a thing!
I _____find my glasses. I _____see a thing!
9. Adam can start a business.
Adam _____start a business.
10. Bicyclists must remember to signal when they turn.
Bicyclists ______ remember to signal when they turn.
11. She may arrive later.
She _____to arrive later.
12. You may sit down.
I ______ to sit down.
13. Sindy may come in and wait.
Sindy______to come in and wait.
14. Sam may go home.
Sa_____ to go home.
15. You may read this text twice.
I _______ to read this text twice.
16. They may use our office.
They_______ to use our office.
1. They must do English every day.
_______2. She's got her own car. She must travel easily.
She ______ travel easily.
3. You can't change the human brains.
You ______change the human brains.
4. All staff must wear uniforms.
All staff ______wear uniforms.
5. You mustn't forget Barbara's birthday.
You_______ forget Barbara's birthday.
6. Diana can read that report.
Diana______ read that report.
7. This machine can perform five million calculations per second.
This machine _______ perform five million calculations per second.
8. The children must go inside.
The children ______ go inside.
9. She must give up smoking.
She _______ give up smoking.
10. You can speak three languages.
You _______speak three languages.
11. You may discuss this problem.
You _______to discuss this problem.
12. Cecil may ask Ben the question.
Cecil ______ to ask Ben the question.
13. They may take computers away.
They_____ to take the computers away.
14. We may be late.
We_______ to be late.
15. He may speak to the manager in private.
He ______ to speak to the manager in private.
16. I may open the window.
I _____ to open the window.
Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами.
1. "I'd love to have dinner with you, but I________ (несмогу) get there before nine o'clock, " she answered.
2. Look at this photo ______ (можешь) you see somebody famous in it?
3. When the rain stopped we ______ (могли, быливсостоянии) finish the game.
4. We_______ (должны) finish our work as soon as possible.
5. It ______ (возможно) rain soon.
6. She has everything that money _____ (могут) buy.
7. Adam has a really bad headache. He _______(должен) go to the doctor.
8. Susan________(разрешают) do just what she wants.
9. When everyone comes back from their vacations we ______ (сможем) get a lot more work done.
10. Silvia_____(должнабыла) type letters.
11. He ______ (мог) drive a car when he was ten.
12. People _____(должны) realize that there are limits to what we can do.
13. I_________(немогу) remember where I put my dictionary.
14. After a long time he______(смог, былвсостоянии) see his family again.
15. They______ (возможно) go to London next week.
16. They ________(будутдолжны) get up early tomorrow.
It’s very cold so there are few people in the park.
I have little time for studying.
You made few mistakes in you dictation.
She gave me a little help with my lessons.
They know a few actors in the Bolshoy theatre.
There is little milk. Can you go to the shop?
He has very little money in his pocket.
I have a little free time. Let’s go and have a coffee.
He has only a few friends but all of them are very reliable.
My sister has a little experience in cooking.
The crocodile is three metreslong.
He wants something more modern.
The sooner I get this piece of work finished, the sooner I can go home.
Sam is an intelligent man.
It is the hottest day of this year.
Have you got anything cheaper?
I think Mr Stark is the best man for the job.
What a good idea!
In England people think that good manners at the table are more important than the food you get to eat.
The hardest part of this job is understanding the new technology.
The Volga is longer than the Dnieper.
I heard on TV last night that they were going to build a new swimming pool in the centre of the town.
The ring is less expensive than the necklace.
The camp was surrounded by a high fence.
It was one of our oldest traditions.
There was a big picture on the furthest wall.
An elephant is heavier than a tiger.
We have a wonderful time in London.
The best way to get there is by bus.
The most beautiful place I know is Karelia.
Los Angeles is a large city.
His plan is more practical than mine.
How wide is the door?
The Trans-Siberian railway is the longest in the world.
She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.
1. It is the____ book of the three of them.
2. Doris is___ than Ann.
3. Mount Everest is___ mountain in the world.
4. Learning a___ language is always difficult.
5. Mathematics is___ than History.
6. Two men were at sea in a motor boat.
7. My car is___ than yours.
8. My hotel room was___ than the one in the photograph in the brochure.
9. London is becoming a very___ place for tourists.
10. One day I went shopping in a big department store and I broke a___ vase.
11. The weather was not as ___as I expected before.
12. The milk was___
13. Sally___ is girl in our institute.
14. It was___ holiday in my life.
15. Yesterday was one of___ days of Charlotte's life.
People visiting Paris usually come there back.
This island visited by lots of people every year is a real museum.
Visiting Paris one should see Louvre.
Entering the room he switched on the light.
Children playing in the garden were very noisy.
I don’t know the man speaking with our teacher.
He bought a car made in Japan.
When asked he didn’t know the answer.
The material explained by the teacher is really difficult.
The new building designed by him was very beautiful.
Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант перевода словосочетания на английский язык.
читающая девочка
двигающийся автобус
ученые, проводящие эксперименты
интересная книга
завод, производящий машины
стоя у окна
заканчивая тест
изучая английский язык
прочитанная книга
произведенный автомобиль
выполненный тест
написанное письмо
известный факт
заданный вопрос
заинтересованный студент
The man playing in this film is a famous actor.
Studying at school he was the best pupil in his class.
Crossing the street you must be very careful.
The story told by him was very funny.
People reading many books usually are better educated.
The capital of Great Britain is London standing on the river Thames.
The cup broken by you is my favourite.
Where is the letter written by Helen?
Do you know the girl playing in the garden?
He improved the machine used for computing.
1. The boys___ in the yard are my brothers.
2. The book___ to me is this month best-seller.
3. ___a test she made many mistakes.
4. He spent 2 hours___ the text___ in English.
5. I like the books___ by this artist.
6. The film___ last week was very boring.
7. Computers___ in Japan are of very good quality.
8. I want to show you my new car___ last month.
9. ___shopping I met my old friend.
10. I went off the bus and saw my friend___ for me.
Выберите правильную форму глагола tobe в PresentContinuous.
12. You___ learning English now.
3. They___ reading their books.
4.___ he sitting or standing?
5. ___you teaching at the university now?
6. I___ studying to become a doctor.
7. What___ you doing?
8. Tom___ playing football tonight.
9. Sally___ taking a bath.
10. We ___working hard these days.
to go
to study
to do
to sleep
to get
to feel
Sheisaschoolgirl. She goes to school every day.
Where are you going?
Joe usually runs at 7 in the morning.
Today Tom is running better than other boys.
Jim drives a car very well.
Today I am driving faster because I am late.
Ann is taking her children to the Zoo.
You should always put your things on their places.
What are you doing? – I am putting my things on the shelves.
Susan always brings candies for our children.
Jim is bringing a heavy bag. Let’shelphim.
1. I___ now, because I am tired.
2. Ann___ a really interesting book now.
3. Every Monday, Sally___ her kids to football practice.
4. I___ black coffee.
5. Usually, I___ as a secretary, but this summer I___ French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.
6. He___ a lot of money.
7. Come in. We just___ lunch. Please, join us.
8. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John___ .
9. Sorry, I___ this rule.
10. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It___ .
11. I'm sorry I can't hear what you___ because everybody so___ loudly
12. I can't play with you now. I___ my homework.
13. My sister____ as an accountant in a company.
14. ___you___ on any special projects at the moment?
to go
to write
to study
to play
to do
to sleep
to get
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
Sam was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
What were you doing when the earthquake started?
I was watching TV when she called.
I was working at 10pm last night.
They were playing computer games when the electricity went out (отключилось).
While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.
Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.
At midnight, we were still driving through the desert.
I was thinking of you when you called.
1. You___ when she called.
2. While we___ the picnic, it started to rain.
3. Last night at 6 PM, I___ dinner.
4. While John was sleeping last night, someone___ his car. (steal – stole – stolen – красть)
5. Ram went home early because it ___.
7. She___ when I___ her.
8. They___ dinner,___ their plans, and___ a good time.
9. I wasn't very attentive while I___ the letter, so I made several mistakes.
10. I was studying while he___ dinner.
11. A: What ___you ___when you broke your leg?
to watch
to tell
You will be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
He will be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.
Takeyourumbrella. It will be raining when you return.
We'll be having dinner when the film starts.
What will you be doing at 10pm tonight?
Don’t call me tomorrow at 11 o’clock in the evening. I will be sleeping.
Be honest. Will you be watching TV when I leave the house?
Come tomorrow at 7. We will be having a party.
This time tomorrow she will be flying to Spain for her holiday.
Don’t be very late or the children will be sleeping when you come.
1. I___ for you as usual at the bus stop at 9.
2. I___ for you at the bus stop tomorrow if you want.
3. At 8:00 PM tonight, John___ the dishes.
4. Will you ___the dishes for me? I am so tired today.
5. I___ tennis at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
6. Tomorrow Jim___ tennis with his friends.
7. She___ when you telephone her.
8. If you need to contact me next week, I___ at the Hoffman Hotel.
9. Come next week at 5. We___ a new plan and need you advice.
10. Just think, next week at this time, I___ in the Black Sea and___ fruits.
11. Sandra: Where is Tim going to meet us?
Артистка, рассказывающая детям сказки по радио, знаменита на всю страну.
Сказка, рассказанная няней, произвела на ребенка большое впечатление.
Ребенок всегда с интересом слушает сказки, рассказываемые няней.
Рассказывая детям сказки, она говорит разными голосами, имитируя героев сказок.
About fifty people were waiting for tickets.
Tom and Rachel are sitting down and drinking coffee.
He will be visiting his dentist.
The girls were dancing about the room.
He will be leaving in an hour.
Olivia was reading when her brother called.
She was waving a letter in the air.
Emma will be waiting for you.
Why are you reading this article?
Who is sitting next to you?
1. The sun___ shining.
2. They___ going to the computer conference.
3. The band___ looking for someone to write songs next month.
4. Pam____ learning the computer’s language.
5. My friend___ waiting for you.
6. Sue and Polly___ playing computer games.
7. They___ playing tennis.
8. Sarah___ taking her dog for a walk.
9. We___ drinking coffee in the morning.
10. I ___leaving for London.
1. I ___have toast for breakfast.
2. Our lessons___ start at 9 o’clock in the morning.
3. We watch the 9 o’clock news ___.
4. My brother is doing his homework___ .
5. My mother goes to the supermarket___ .
6. I read a book or a magazine in bed ___.
7. My grandmother___ sends me a birthday present.
8. My brother is playing football ___.
9. At school we have our history lesson___ .
10. My father___ buys a newspaper from the shop near his office.
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
I’ll be leaving in about half an hour.
I’m writing a book on history of Russia.
Emma was reading a book when her son called her.
She will be waiting for you.
My friends are talking and laughing.
He was reading a book.
Who is sitting next to you?
Listen to Tim and Kim. They are talking about their holidays.
He will be visiting his dentist.
Why are you reading that book?
Pele was going to be a doctor, not a soccer player.
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Укажите верные высказывание в соответствии с содержанием текста:
Прочитайте определение и определите слово, к которому оно относится:
Какие из приведенных словосочетаний невозможны:
Какие из приведенных словосочетаний невозможны:
Какие из приведенных словосочетаний невозможны:
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Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
Выберите правильный вариант и заполните пропуски:
Отметьте правильные утверждения.
Укажите все пункты, которые относятся theCity.
Укажите все пунткы, которые относятся к theWestEnd.
Укажите все пункты, которые относятся к TheWestminster.
Отметьте правильные утверждения.
Заполните предложения, используя активную лексику из текста.
Сопоставьте данные утверждения и номера абзацев текста:
Скажите, правдивы или ложны данные утверждения:
Скажите, правдивы или ложны данные высказывания:
Sarah may come now.
He must come and see what’s going on.
You must revise this article.
Simon mustn't stop her from doing it.
You must brush your teeth after meals.
You must go with the times.
He had to give up smoking nearly ten years ago.
We have to repair the engine.
After only a few lessons, you can understand basic Spanish.
You will be allowed to be beside her in the church.
She sat in the armchair on the far side of the room.
This car is cheaper than that bike.
Sport is big business.
He is the oldest boy in his class.
Christine is more intelligent than Helen.
I am slimmer than Becky. But why does he love her, not me?
The construction of the Chunnel between Britain and France is one of the greatest technological and engineering feats (feat – подвиг) of the 20th century.
It was a popular television programme.
The busiest shopping street in London is Oxford Street, with over 300 shops.
Buckingham Palace is enormous. There are 600 rooms, 78 bathrooms, a cinema, a swimming pool and even a post office.
Ann (to study) geography at the moment.
We (to watch) TV the whole evening the day after tomorrow.
We (to listen) to the famous rock band concert the whole evening yesterday.
They (to go) to school at this time tomorrow morning.
My sister (to wash) her face and hands at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow.
We (to go) to the University in the morning on working days.
It usually (to take) him two hours to do his homework.
He (to spend) last summer in the country.
You (to eat) these apples tomorrow, it’s enough for you for today.
You must repair the system. It isn’t working.
You repair the system. It wasn’t working.
Необходимо восстановить систему. Оно не работает.
Восстановления системы. Она не работает
You must eat in the dining room but not in front of the computer.
You in the dining room but not in front of the computer.
Jim has promised to help Fiona as much as he can.
Jim had promised to help Fiona as much as he .
You can't seat there. Those seats are reserved.
You seat there. Those seats were reserved.
Our kids may watch videos at weekends.
The kids watch videos at weekends.
Anyone aged 18 or over can vote in a general election.
Anyone aged 18 or over vote in a general election.
My dad has some chickens; I must feed them every morning.
My dad had some chickens, I feed them every morning.
The hotel can’t be far from here.
The hotel be far from there.
What weight can you carry?
What weight you carry?
He must call Sally.
He call Sally.
You may take John's bag.
You take John's bag.
You may put your car keys in this drawer.
The Zoo staff must feed animals.
The Zoo staff feed animals.
Fiona must work hard at her German.
Fiona work hard at her German.
You may take notes with a pencil.
You take notes with a pencil.
You may enter.
You enter.
You may take the computer.
You take the computer.
Simon can book tickets by fax or on-line.
Simon book tickets by fax or on-line.
You may begin your work.
You begin your work.
Выберите правильный перевод модального глагола или его эквивалента, обращая внимание на время.
You are going to have a test today. But you mustn't begin until I tell you.
Kamala was not allowed to drive a car.
You may play music at sight. (atsight – с листа)
The doctor says I have to stay in bed for two weeks.
You may divide an apple into two parts.
You must revise this article.
Simon may take part in this work.
The chairman’s decision was not allowed to discuss.
You must go with the times.
We are going to the best shop in our town.
Family life is very important for the Amish.
I am slimmer than Becky. But why does he love her, not me?
Whenever I close my eyes, I see big pink elephants. – Oh dear. Have you seen a doctor? – No…. onlypinkelephants.
A merchant was selling a large elephant.
She is my best friend.
We lived beneath the waves, in our yellow submarine.
Sam lives with his mother in a small flat.
Today, on the last Sunday in January you can see the most unusual procession in the street:people in the 17th-century clothes.
Many villages in hot countries have no clean water.
clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: "Fire! Fire!"
The floor by Helen looked very clean.
The house by tall trees is very beautiful.
(freeze - замораживать) food is often easier to prepare than fresh food.
Tourists in London visit various museums.
The lecture got the students to sleep.
A fish out of the water cannot live.
Read the sentences once more.
This book everywhere is really worth reading (to be worth reading - стоиттого, чтобыI (to write) an English exercise at this time tomorrow.
I (to translate) the song of CesariaEvora into Russian tomorrow at 5 o’clock.
Mother (to cook) the whole day yesterday.
I (not to sleep) right now, it is too noisy here.
I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning.
I (to play) computer games yesterday.
He (to spend) last summer in the country.
We (to go) to the University in the morning on working days.
My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension.
A fish can swim but it can't fly.
If the wind changes you'll have to bring the boat about (to bring about – повернуть).
The train was to leave at 10.00.
He must work systematically if he wants to know French well.
You must find Sam whenever he is.
You didn’t have to marry him; he was only after (to be after - старатьсяполучить) your money.
They are to see me today.
Simon may take part in this work.
We have to repair the engine.
London cabbies(cabbie – таксист) are the best taxi drivers in the world.
The busiest shopping street in London is Oxford Street, with over 300 shops.
Traveling by road is far more dangerous than travelling by air.
If you are tall and thin, don't wear vertical stripes. You'll look like a lamp.
My two brothers are older than me.
Hooligan was the name of an Irish family who were famous for their quarrels and fights.
Mary's hair is longer than Jean's.
Snake charming is the most difficult thing in the world.
A cat is bigger than a mouse.
The Giant water lily from the Amazon is the world's largest water plant. Its leaves grow up to twometres.He (to play) chess with his friend now.
We (to listen) to the famous rock band concert the whole evening yesterday.
We (to drink) tea now.
He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.
The old man (to walk) about the room at the moment.
They (not to take) care of their garden next summer.
Last Saturday we (to go) to the theatre.
I (to write) a letter to my cousin yesterday.
For breakfast she usually (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.
He will be able to meet you at the airport.
Major changes will have to be brought about in British industry.
My sister can take your dog for a walk.
Martin and Emma are to be married in June.
The train was to leave at 10.00.
You were not allowed to play cards against this man. Healwayswins.
Pete had to stay at home because it was very cold.
He must come and see what’s going on.
There is also a beautiful park with a lake around Buckingham Palace.
The largest flower on Earth is the Rafflesiaarnoldi and it grows up to one metre across.
People who wear tight jeans are self-confident and like to be the centre of attention.
Take this box. It's cleaner than that one.
Family life is very important for the Amish.
If you are tall and thin, don't wear vertical stripes. You'll look like a lamp.
Over seventy per cent of all motorcycle accidents involve young men between 16 and 25.
Our ship was bigger than the Nina or the Pinta, but it was the slowest.
John and his friends (to go) to the library at present.
They (to go) to school at this time tomorrow morning.
I (not to sleep) right now, it is too noisy here.
Your friend (to do) his homework from three to four o’clock tomorrow.
My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock every day.
My friend (to live) in St. Petersburg.
I usually (to get) up at seven o'clock in the morning.
Cambridge is one of the world's oldest universities and leading academic centres, and a self-governed community of scholars. Cambridge comprises 31 Colleges and over 150 departments, faculties, schools and other institutions.
A College is the place where students live, eat and socialise. It is also the place where they receive small group teaching sessions, known as supervisions. The supervision system is one of the main reasons for the University's success in learning and teaching.
Each College has its own library and sports facilities, and some have their own bar and theatre. Most Colleges have their own clubs and societies, offering a variety of non-academic activities for students to take part in.
Each College is an independent institution. The Colleges appoint their own staff and are responsible for selecting students. The teaching of students is shared between the Colleges and University departments. Degrees are awarded by the University.
Define the statements that are true.
College is the place where students only study.
Supervisions are teaching sessions in small groups.
College is dependent on the University.
The University gives scientific degrees.
College’s property belongs to the University.
Colleges offer students to participate in different non-academic activities.
Cambridge University’s success in teaching is based on supervisions.
It is the University that appoints college staff and select students.
Fill in the gaps with the correct word.
We three new teachers last year.
The children the sweets among them.
Mr Broun is well-known in the local .
This area of the countryside some of the best walks in England.
She doesn't usually in any of the class activities.
It is the prime-minister who really Great Britain.
I am not allowed to go to her house any more. We have to meet in secret.
Bottlenosed dolphins can hear with their special teeth.
Sam can train a dog.
He had to offer her a large part in the play.
They had to return from the police station at 7.
We must bring the rest of the committee around to our point of view.
He must know this period of history very well.
Today, London is no longer city in the world, but it's the largest in Europe.
She has told an story.
mountains in Great Britain are Ben Nevis and Snowdon.
Mary was of three children.
Moscow is than St.Petersburgh.
There are a lot of buildings in St. Petersburg.
Which people are the most important for you?
A lot of old people live alone.
The Thames is not London's only river. There are several smaller rivers, too.
I have never seen a worse film.
In Amish community, many modern things, like TVs and computers, a nowhere to be seen.
Working is the quickest way to find out about the everyday life of the country whose language you have studied.
Amish religion stresses that the needs of others are more important than your own.
The doll interested the child very much.
When the letter he tried to follow the "Golden rules" of writing a letter: a letter should be clear, complete, concise (concise – лаконичный), courteous (courteous – вежливый), correct.
We listened to the Russian folk songs by the girls.
When, the article was published.
Name some places by you last year.
Not the man, I can’t introduce you to him.
You (to speak) to your teacher tomorrow from 11 till 11.15.
Выберите один ответ.
At half past four tomorrow we (to have) dinner.
I (to play) computer games at five o'clock yesterday.
You (to do) your homework from eight till ten tomorrow.
He (to read) newspapers tomorrow as it will be his day off.
We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer.
My mother (not to work) at an office.
You may go now. Igo away.
I must fly. I’ll see you later.
Anyone can watch the match on television.
You must visit your local hospital.
I can find Jenny.
You may leave for London.
My grandmother can make up (make up – готовить) her own medicines.
She can speak well on the phone.
You must put up the advertisements on this bulletin board (доскаобъявлений)
Simon can answer the question.
Shayler is warned that he must not publish the allegations. (allegation – голословноеутвержлдение)
She can’t live on her salary.
He couldn’t answer my questions.
There's an apple above you - can you reach it?
You must take part in this work.
You may continue your reading.
After they had finished their homework, the children were allowed to watch TV.
He will have to come here at five.
You will be able to watch the sunrise.
Dick started school. He was not a student.
He can download a computer game.
January and February are usually months of the year.
Our life in the future will become than nowadays – I'm sure of it.
My pizza is than yours.
For hundreds of years wool (wool – шерсть) had been known as one of Oh, Becky! I'm man in the world!
Cardiff is city of Wales.
England is of four countries which make up Great Britain.
London is city in Europe.
The twenty-second of December is the shortest day of the year.
No 10, Downing Street is one of the most famous addresses in the world. It is the site of the British Prime Minister's official residence.
My box is easier than yours.
What is the easiest job in the world?
The Romans rebuilt the town and surrounded it with a high wall.
He said he had been very upset (upset – расстроен) since early morning.
The shoes were placed in the sun to dry.
He saw some people in the post-office telegrams.
A teacher a mistake in a student's dictation always corrects it.
Look at the beautiful flowers by the children.
The dishes lay on the floor.
Your father (to read) from eight till nine yesterday.
My father (to work) in the garden at the moment.
The children (not to eat) soup now.
Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school.
You (to write) a dictation in English tomorrow.
I had to do a lot of homework yesterday.
You are not to leave before I tell about Ann.
Can I help you?
No one can program a computer.
We were to have gone away last week but I was ill.
The children will have to collect some wood to make a fire.
The television producer today has to be part of newsperson, part educator.
skyscraper of the USA is located in Chicago. It is called the Sears Tower.
She's than her brother.
Mother Terea was a simple nun (nun – монахиня). She never wanted to beHalloween is one of holidays for childrenThe old lady took a taxi.
Young fans did everything to see their favouriteprogramme.
I'm older than my brother.
The telephone is a wonderful thing.
I've bought an expensive dress for this party.
English at the University she could speak fluently (бегло).
The engine made the engineer apply new methods.
The students went to sleep during the lecture.
in London we went sightseeing (достопримечательности).
The boys (to run) about in the garden at the moment.
Look! The baby (to sleep).
I (to spend) last summer at the sea-side.
We (to watch) a very good film last Sunday.
I (to read) my favourite newspapers every day.
I (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday.
She couldn’t do any kind of hard work.
The manager is to be at 10.00.
Don’t ring him up. He may be busy.
We must try to be away by 8 o’clock.
They won’t be allowed to smoke here.
He must meet Carmen at the air port tomorrow.
Dolphins are intelligent. They can't talk, but can send signals to other dolphins, using 32 sounds.
There are five shelves with interesting books.
In the 18th century London was the largest city in the world.
Becky is a better cook than I'll ever be.
It was not an exciting life but it was rather interesting.
I hope you have received the little volume of poems I sent you.
They looked at the train When the telegram she forgot to write her name.
He left the room the door open.
The teenagers only wanted to be left alone.
His hat off by the wind was lying in the middle of the street.
I found my watch and I had to buy a new one.
While the eggs into the basket she broke one of them.
A person a sun-bath (sun-bath - солнечнаяванна) must be very careful.
They (to eat) a water-melon now.
You (to eat) ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday.
“We’ll run away together and get married. My parents won’t be able to stop us.” - She said toBill.
Blue whales can eat 4,000 kilogram of food in a day.
Today's sports stars can earn as much on television as they can on the tennis court, golf course or football pitch (pitch – поле).
He was not able to finish his speech.
Their relatives will be able to fix (to fix – сделать) visas.
Some people think Stonehendge is a giant computer for astronomers. It shows how the starsmove in the sky.
Canada has two official languages. They are English and French.
In last year's Olympics the Russians were better than all other countries.
Why do you keep all these old newspapers?
They (to bring) textbooks to the University library when we saw them.
She (to cry) when I saw her yesterday.
The children (to eat) soup now.
When I came home from school yesterday, my little brother (to sit) on the floor with all his toys around him.
Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy.
I (to meet) my friend yesterday.
She (not to help) mother yesterday.
We (to drink) tea every morning.
You may relax with a good book.
You mustn’t take this cup from the table.
They may take part in the excursion.
Only a person who knows the language very well will be able to answer such a question.
In the evening Kamala is very tired, but she must cook the meal and wash the dishes.
Tomas is really interested in modern classical music.
Many centuries ago, the Thames often froze over.That's because the river was much wider and slower.
Buckingham Palace security is very good.
Lena (to wash) the floor from eleven till twelve next Sunday.
We (to wash) the floor in our flat the whole Sunday.
We (to spend) the time playing the computer games the whole evening yesterday.
He (not to play) the piano tomorrow.
I must finish off the work while the light is good.
You must pay more attention to your lessons.
He couldn’t invite her attention.
She had constantly to remind her kids about crossing roads safely.
It's becoming more and more important to know different languages.
My house is not expensive but it is very comfortable.
He needs new clothes.
It still (to rain) today.
Yesterday morning he (to wash) his face, though he usually doesn’t like to do it.
We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday.
I (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow.
My sister (not to play) the piano the whole evening the day before yesterday.
Выберите один ответ.
He (not to spend) last summer in the country.
Выберите один ответ.It was cold yesterday so I had to wear a coat.
He could read when he was seven but he couldn't swim.
Sorry, Mr. Brown had to leave.
You’ ll have to wait a little.
Richard is the youngest of all his friends.
What is the most exciting hobby in the world?
Black hens (hen – курица) are more clever than white ones: the black hens can lay white eggs, the white hens can't lay black ones.
Jack was the eldest of three boys.
The richest sports star of all is the boxer, Muhammed Ali.
The Queen has one of the greatest art collections including Leonardo da Vinci's drawings.
The largest flower on Earth is the Rafflesia arnoldi and it grows up to one metre across.
We are the happiest family.
A young man at the window (to smoke) a cigarette now.
I (not to sleep) in the daytime.
We (to go) to the cinema to watch 3D picture last Sunday.
Выберите один ответ.
We (not to watch) TV in the morning.
My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.
I can answer your question if it's within my competence.
It is already twenty minutes past eight. You must go or you will be late.
I was not allowed to be more than twenty minutes in the water.
It’s warm today. You may have breakfast in the garden.
Peter and Jeremy were very good friends.
Piccadilly takes its name from a stiff 17th century collar (collar – воротник) called a picadil.
Does she want to live in a bigger house?
The house ___ in this street is very beautiful.
Here is the letter ___ by me yesterday.
The dog (to lie) on the floor now.
She (to correct) mistakes in her dictation tomorrow at this time.
She (to speak) French well.
Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday.
You may wash your car.
I wash my car.
George can’t write the composition.George write the composition.
When the Queen is on holiday in the summer the Palace opens to the public. You can visit the Grand Hall, the State Dining Room and the Music Room.
I must help him in the garden. I help him in the garden.
Don't give the vase to the child: he may break it.
She may leave her keys at my grandma's.
We had to discuss the problem twice.
The new London IMAX cinema is in Europe.
Most chat users are friendly people, but they are still strangers.
She has told an story.
England has in the United Kingdom – 46 million people.
That was performance I've ever seen.
You are so .
The mild climate of Great Britain is for plants and flowers.
The little boy was crying.
Translate the words on the blackboard.
When help, he accepted it with gratitude (gratitude – благодарность).
The Mona Lisa is on display in the Louvre in Paris.
The dishes lay on the floor.
They looked at the train by.
How do you like the film?" he asked, towards me.
When we came nearer, we saw two boys towards us.
Bill may join the sports section as soon as he is through with his medical examination.
He had to walk to school because his parents couldn’t afford (afford – быть в состоянии) the bus fare.
The president is to arrive at 9.30.
Whenever I close my eyes, I see big pink elephants. – Oh dear. Have you seen a doctor? – No…. only pink elephants.
People who wear baggy (baggy – мешковатый) or oversized jeans are often shy and indecisive.
Fear (fear – страх) of flying is much more common than fear of travelling by car.
We (not to watch) TV at the moment.
He (to sleep) well every night.
Your brother (to go) to the country with us next Sunday.
I could not stop him from doing it.
We won’t be able to buy a new car.
She can write an application.
It’s two o’clock. We can't wait for Mary any longer.
It's better to give than to receive.
This T-shirt is too big. Have you got anything smaller?
Today, on the last Sunday in January you can see the most unusual procession in the street:people in the 17th-century clothes.
The tall column in the centre of Trafalgar Square commemorates Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar.
Slowly, London grew into an important town.
The teenagers only wanted to be left alone.
Don’t disturb him! He (to sleep) now.
Your brother (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday.
This train is too slow.
The oldest building on the territory of the Tower is the White Tower.
They (to talk) about their future plans at the moment.
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Написать нам в WhatsApp, Вы можете как с компьютера, через WhatsApp web, так и с мобильного приложения WhatsApp.
1. Для того чтобы написать с мобильного приложения, запишите в контакты наш номер телефона +7 962 146 0032 и пишите нам через мобильное приложение WhatsApp, как пишите своим знакомым.
2. Для удобства общения, можете написать нам с компьютера, нажмите на ССЫЛКУ
- Откроется окно, в котором есть кнопка "НАПИСАТЬ" (рис. 1), нажимаете на неё:
Рис. 1
- Откроется окно, в котором есть кнопка "НАПИСАТЬ" (рис. 1), нажимаете на неё:
Рис. 1
- Откроется окно WhatsApp web (это компьютерная версия приложения WhatsApp), если Вы ранее пользовалась WhatsApp web, Вы сразу перейдете в чат со мной, пишите сообщение и отправляйте (рис. 2).
Рис. 2 - Если Вы ни когда не использовали её, то Вы увидите окно с QR кодом и инструкцией как авторизоваться (пример данного окна изображен на рис.3)
Рис 3 - После сканирования мобильным приложением WhatsApp QR кода с экрана, Вы войдете в web версию WhatsApp. В окне Вы увидите все свои чаты, и будет активный чат с нами (рис. 2), пишите сообщение и отправляйте
Рис. 2
2. Если у Вас есть аккаунт в Viber, Вы можете написать нам, нажмите на кнопку и следуйте инструкции:
Viber: для поддержки наших заказчиков мы используем публичный аккаунт Vibera
1. Если у Вас Viber установлен на компьютере, для связи НАЖМИТЕ и подтвердите запуск приложения.
2. Если у Вас Viber в мобильном телефоне:
- Запустите мобильное приложение.
- Войдите в меню (три линии в нижнем правом углу экрана и надпись Ещё)
- Нажмите на иконку в правом верхнем углу - QR-код:
- Откроется квадратное окошко сканера, наведите его на изображение ниже этого сообщения, так чтобы оно все поместилось в окошко сканера:
- Откроется окно паблик аккаунта, нажимаете кнопку "Сообщение" и пишите нам:
- В дальнейшем, мы останемся у Вас в чатах, просто переходите в чат и пишите, как обычно пишите знакомым и друзьям.
3. Если Вы пользуетесь месенджером от Telegram, можете писать нам с него, нажмите на кнопку и ознакомьтесь с инструкцией:
Как написать нам через Telegram?
1. Если у Вас Telegram установлен на компьютере, для связи НАЖМИТЕ и подтвердите запуск приложения.
2. Если у Вас Telegram в мобильном телефоне:
- Запустите мобильное приложение Telegram и откройте поиск (в правом верхнем углу)
- В строке поиска вводите idkhelp_bot, когда будите вводить, внизу увидите наш чат бот, выглядит как на картинке внизу:
- Нажмите на него и далее внизу нажмите СТАРТ и пишите нам сообщение:
В дальнейшем, входите в историю сообщений и пишите нам.
4. Если Вы зарегистрированны в соц.сети ВКонтакте, нажмите на кнопку и пишите нам со своего аккаунта:
5. Если Вы зарегистрированны в соц.сети Facebook, нажмите на кнопку и пишите нам со своего аккаунта: